Deep, fibrous root system Great scavenger for nitrogen and soluble phosphorus Very drought tolerant brassica Can be grazed if neede...
New and improved varieties are used as biofumigants Yellow and Oriental mustard varieties are high in glucosinolates Brown mustard helps ...
Fast growing and very hardy Tolerant of poor soil conditions Fights soil erosion Suppress weeds Helps control soil erosion&nb...
Great dual purpose grain Can be used for Cover Crop or feed Does not survive winters Holds soil from erosion ...
Performs well on marginal soil Helps suppress weeds Grows well in heavy soil Higher levels of digestible energy compared to fall ry...
Cost effective ryegrass for interseeding Very fibrous aggressive roots Increase water infiltration Erosion control Can be pas...
Very fibrous aggressive root Does very well when interseeded into corn Erosion control Helps compaction from equipment tires ...
Dense root system which penetrates compacted soil Quick growing with lots of organic matter Can be used for feed Easily winter-kill...
Great Cover Crop for green manure content Pearl Millet performs well in light soils where droughts can be an issue Used for some nematode...
A fast-growing green manure crop Rejuvenates low fertility soils Flowers in 5 to 6 weeks Supports large bee hives and produces exce...
Large extensive and prolific root system Beneficial to bees and other insects Other Cover Crop will use sunflowers for a climbing stem&nb...
One of the top plants used for honey production Has a very fibrous root system Works well with other Cover Crops Reduces sugar beet...
These time-tested cover-crop mixtures are designed for different cropping rotations. Some mixtures are created for soybeans to be planted the next yea...
We offer an arrangement of provincial mixtures that are available in Quebec and the Maritimes. We have many more provincial mixtures that are availabl...
Breaks up soil compaction Holds soil from erosion Scavenges for nutrients Used in deer plot mixes ...