Birdsfoot Trefoil is a non-bloating legume used in pasture and hay mixtures. Trefoil likes growing in poorly drained land where Alfalfa doesn’t pros...
Sainfoin is a cool-season Legume that is non-bloating. Sainfoin can grow up to3 feet tall. Saintoin is used for hay or pasture. Sainfoin grows in area...
White Clover is a short-growing, nitrogen-fixing perennial used in pastures, lawns, and deer plots. White Clover is used in high traffic areas to mini...
Ladino Clover is a tall growing type of White Clover with more yield, protein and forage quality. Ladino is mostly used when growing hay, but can also...
Alsike Clover is a fast-growing, short-living perennial clover. Alsike Clover is adapted to cool climates and heavy, poorly drained clay soils. Alsike...
Double Cut Red Clover is primarily used for hay or soil improvement. It is easy to get established with quick growth and high forage quality. Double C...
Single Cut Red Clover is known as a one cut Red Clover if left for hay. Single Cut is always used for a plowdown Cover Crop Red Clover. Single Cut Red...
Sweet Clover is a cold tolerant, biennial clover that is easy to establish. Sweet Clover can be used for haylage, cover crops, conservation and honey ...
Timothy is used mainly for hay production, but also in some pasture mixes. Timothy makes an excellent companion grass for Alfalfa, Trefoil and Clover ...
Reed Canary Grass mainly grows in poorly drained land. It is a tall growing, winter-hardy grass that grows in all soils and has a wide leaf and quick ...
Orchardgrass is one of the best forage grasses available on the market. It is used for hay and pasture mixes with all livestock enjoying its soft leav...
Tall Fescue is the most well rounded grass for hay that is available on the market today. Forage Tall Fescue handles all soil types, PH levels and moi...
Perennial Ryegrass is a fine leafed grass with exceptional palatability. Perennial Ryegrass is often planted for hay or pasture mixes. Perennial Ryegr...
Italian Ryegrass is an awesome bi-annual grass. Italian Ryegrass can be used as pasture, haylage, or in Cover Crop mixtures. It is high in sugar-conte...
Festulolium is a cross between Italian or Perennial Ryegrass and Tall or Meadow Fescue. By crossing the fescue and ryegrass, they are attempting to br...
Smooth Bromegrass is a long-living, deep-rooted perennial grass. Smooth Bromegrass is ideal in hay mixes with its wide leaves making it highly palatab...
Meadow Bromegrass is a long-living perennial used mainly for pasture. Pasture yields in Meadow Bromegrass are higher than Smooth Bromegrass because it...
Fast growing forage for multi-cut system. Primarily used for pasture, balage or green cropping. Hard to make dry hay. ...
High quality forage that can be used for pasture, haylage or green chopped. Has a high leaf to stem ratio. Adapts well to marginal soils especially sa...
Alfalfa is the main legume that is used in hay production. Alfalfa is usually cut 3 to 4 times a year, however some varieties are cut 5 times. Alfalfa...