We offer some golf course mixtures, but we have learned over the years that custom mixing mixtures for golf courses that are super-tenant is the best ...
We only use gold tagged Kentucky Bluegrass that has been tested multiple times for purity to make sod. The most popular mix is our 4-way sod because o...
We offer the following provincial highway mixtures. They can be used on the highways or on low main-tenance lawns that might be low in nutrients or or...
Listed are all of the individual grass varieties we currently offer. Also listed is the different wildflower mixtures that are available. Native Seed ...
Our well designed, yet simple Deer Plot mixtures have been a popular hit for the last ten years. These mixtures are ideal for the avid hunter or the h...
General Seed Company packages lawn seed in various sized bags to suit your needs. Each mixture has a different coloured tag for easy identification. P...
Produces significant amounts of nitrogen Low growing cover crop Works well in interseeding corn because it handles shade well Survi...
Berseem Clover Low growing cover crop Grows upright with a white flower Produces significant amounts of nitrogen Can grow 12 ...
Aggressive growth to suppress weeds Produces significant amounts of nitrogen Great item to be used in a Cover Crop mixture Great it...
Produces significant amounts of nitrogen Great winter hardiness and survives most winters Controls erosion through winter Can be us...
Cow Peas roots break up hardpans The most drought tolerant pea type Needs a full growing season Adapts to poor PH soils Produ...
Produces significant amounts of nitrogen Phosphorus scavenger Has a low carbon to nitrogen ratio Provides excellent weed suppressio...
Produces significant amounts of nitrogen Phosphorus scavenger Has a low carbon to nitrogen ratio Sometimes used for Forage No...
Faba Beans have a tap root that opens up hardpans Other Cover Crops will climb Faba Bean plants Produces significant amounts of nitrogen&...
Produces significant amounts of nitrogen Can produce large amounts of biomass per acre Can be used as a great feed source Shows som...
Scavenges Nutrients Reduces soil compaction Promotes water infiltration Increases earthworm activity Improves soil biology&nb...
It is a nematode controlling oil seed radish FumaRad is a class 1 radish that shows up to 95% resistance against the white and the yellow beet ...
Different than turnips because of all the energy in the leaves Very fast growing brassica Highly digestible for sheep and cattle grazing&...
Turnip bulbs and roots penetrate the soil and recycle nutrients from subsoil Helps control erosion if left through winter Makes great pas...
We offer 2 well-designed Sportsfield mixtures that have been well tested and continually planted on top Canadian University and Highschool sports fiel...